(sorry for stealing this slogan from triple m)
What a weekend :) Right now its 01:05 am, I am extremely tired but really happy about the last 2 days even if it was kind of a different experience or maybe even because of that.
But lets start at the beginning. Last Tuesday a very good friend of mine from Stuttgart, Sarah, and her friend, Chrssi, arrived at Sydney in order to start their 6 weeks Aussie adventure. First of all a really cool coincidence. Who else could say that he met one of his close friends in Sydney (besides the sydneysiders, of course :P)?
So the first time we met was Wednesday eve at Central. And this was the first time I was really glad to met someone from Germany. We walked through the city, darling harbour and ended the evening at the 3 wise monkeys. Pretty nice, cool time, great to meet again. The next two days the both did something on their own before we met again on Sat morning in order to see the Glebe Markets. But short before we entered the markets at Glebe we had brekky at a very very cool Book&Coffee shop. Really nice, individual style and flair. Glebe style. Afterwards we went to the market, saw some nice stuff, the girls bought something (from an nepalesian(???) guy who was able to speak a little german since he attend the Goethe institute in Nepal for some reason. Strange but cool :-) Afterwards we sat on the gras an listened to a pretty cool band there at the markets. After this relaxing start into the day we then walked back to the city, had some lunch at market city and continued our relaxing day at the royal botanic gardens. lying in the sun, talking, joking, laughing. nice ;-) Then some grocery shopping, going home to bondi (they both stayed at noah's backpackers after moving there on their 2nd day from the wakeup hostel at central). Then we went to our homes, had dinner and met again at about 9 pm in order to go to BB's and have a relaxed evening with some cool music.
But the evening there was not only cool but also very entertaining since some of the guys and the girls there had a little to much to drink and did some interesting dance show ;-) (i maybe tell more about this in the 18+ blog I'm planning ;-) ). Anyways...we had a nice night there, went to the beach for a short walk afterwards and then moved back home.
Today we then met again after the girls woke up (I was already awake a little more early, thx to my flatmates ;-) - no offence guys :) ) and had brekky at the beach. just one word. awwwweeesssoooooome :-). Oh yeah...and I almost met Britta who met with some germang guys there to do the coastal walk. but more about this next week so say tuned...;-) back to important matters :) i met sarah and chrissi at the busstop and we went to circular quay were we then split. chrissi took a ferry to watsons bay and sarah an I went to Manly in order to go to Manly Ocean world. A very very nice aquarium, not very expensive, and some cooool fish. and some really impressive sharks (fish are friends!! ;-) aaaaaaaand 2 or 3 dudes (turtles :) ). But the coolest thing was, spending some time with Sarah and talking about a lot of things...even after finishing walking through Ocean World we then headed to a landing stage close to manly wharf, sat there, watched the ocean and continued our talking. And this was really the first time during my five months here were I realized that I really did miss situations like this. I really enjoyed it and was almost sad when we had to go back 'cause just sitting there, talking, relaxing and simply enjoying being there was just a great feeling.
After returning to Circular Quay we then met chrissi again and headed back to bondi where we had some pizza at the millenium pizza (reaaally good pizza - and don't ask for plates!!). Afterwards I showed them my home, we had some tee and talked until about half past 12. Then they went home to Noah's in order to prepare everything for tomorrow when they'll hopefully enjoy their last hours in Sydney before flying to Darwin and starting their Outback Adventure.
I just realized how many smilies I used during this entry...but it's not exaggerated, I really had a great weekend and am almost looking forward to coming to Stuggi in the near future - even though meeting at Bondi Beach is really something that we will never forget and that's adding something even more special to our friendship (just remember the meeting at the train statin in wü while she was going to denmark and i was going to catch a plane in frankfurt...) ;-)
When they both were gone I found this in the bathroom :-)
I'm sure I wouldn't have forgotten about this weekend in any way, but thx for this :-)
Hope they'll have a great journey and a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to compare our experiences afterwards :)
So, have a nice one and see ya later!
30 July 2007
More we in the weekend
28 July 2007
I just came back from the beach where I was sitting with some folks I haven't seen before. I just met them at BB's at Bondi because I replied to an add of one of the girls (Mel - click here to see more)who wanted to sell their cityrail ticket which is valid for the next 2 weeks because she's leaving to Darwin tomorrow. After doing business I spent some time with them at BB's and when they closed we headed down to the beach for some time. Was pretty funny to get to know some completely strange people and some of them have been really funny and entertaining ;-)
as you can see my grammar is gettin' worse by the minute so i'd rather go skydivi uhm sleeping and tell you more about everything tomorrow or the day after tomorrow ;-)
c'ya later!
27 July 2007
New Flatmate =)
When I came home 2 days ago I heard some strange noises coming from the bathroom. I realized that my french flatmates where in there and that they - no, not what you're thinking - welcomed our new flatmate. Since the last one died during the weekend, our landlord brought a new one 2 days ago. Young, modern, silent. perfect :-)
24 July 2007
...is in the air. Everywhere you look around...aroma is in the..uhm well, ok, not my best one ;-)
To explain this bad word gambling...on Sunday there was the so called "Aroma Festival" at the Rocks. A festival for coffee, chocolate and tee lovers...so almost every café had his on pavillon. And the cool thing here was, that there were some stages on which at least one nice band played. A coverband. Two frontgirls. Playing everything from rock to r'n'b to pop. Pretty nice and entertaining. BUUUUUT then. To kick it off at the end. "To rock everyone out there" (yep, that's a quote) they did one of the worst covers I ever heard. Man. They covered a song NO ONE should ever try to cover because this song is uncoverable. But they did it. Two girls in their mid-twenties jumped and screamed and tried to rock the crowd with one of the greatest rock songs of all time. But the failed completely.
Have a look how it should sound like and then imagine that nothing from this song was there at the rocks ;-)
Besides this there is a kind of a festival at Sydney at the moment. Well, actually it's not really a festival. Or..hm...there is a stage, some huge screens...hm...maybe it is a festival ;-) Anyway...it's called "LiveSites" (yep, google for it if you want) and it is stationed at Belmore Park. It takes place from 21.07 - 29.07 and had some nice bands there already. And the best thing, it's free! And the unbelievable thing. Almost no one realizes it because there are so few commercials for it. I just passed by Belmore Park by coincidence and saw the stage. Otherwise I wouldn't have known it either. But that's typical Sydney. There are so many cool things, you just don't realize...so, to all of those who are coming to the greatest city on the planet (no, I don't get paid for this - at the moment) keep your eyeeeeees open (hehe. who recognized this?) because it's not always the huge events (live earth etc.) that make it worth living here.
And now...are you gonna go my way? :-)
19 July 2007
T(h)ank you!
No worries, mates! ;-)
Taken from news.com.au:
A FORMER Telstra worker allegedly stole a tank and used it to demolish six mobile phone towers as he led police on a wild two-hour rampage through western Sydney yesterday.
More than 20 police chased the tank but were powerless to stop it, retreating to a safe distance as the huge vehicle cut a path of destruction through six suburbs.
They could only watch as the driver, hanging out of the top at times, allegedly rammed the tank through fences and into six mobile phone towers, telecommunication relay sheds and an electrical substation.
The damage caused major disruptions to mobile phone services in Sydney's west yesterday.
The divorced father allegedly stole the 1967 Trojan armoured personnel carrier (APC) from his former workplace, A One Lift Truck Service, at Minchinbury.
His former boss, Greg Morris, said the man had a beef with mobile phone towers.
"He used to work for Telstra and told us he was going through a medical claim for his head injury. He said something about the radiation from the towers had caused it," Mr Morris said.
"He actually worked on the tank he stole, doing a lot of wiring and putting the engine in."
The drama began at 2am when the ex-British Army tank - complete with steel tracks and replica gun turret - was taken from a holding shed and headed straight for its first target: an electricity substation at Michinbury.
The tank then allegedly rammed a police car as it drove from the Mount Druitt Hospital car park.
At its maximum speed of 52km/h per hour, it continued on through the suburbs of Mount Druitt, Dharruk, Emerton, Glendenning and Plumpton with 10 police vehicles in pursuit.
Several times police were forced to retreat when the driver allegedly swung the tank towards them.
He taunted police by leaning his head out the side window to wave at them.
The joyride ended at 4am when the vehicle stalled as the driver attempted to destroy a seventh mobile phone tower.
Police used capsicum spray to subdue the man, who was dragged head first from the tank by officers.
Mr Morris said he bought the tank from the British military.
He restored the vehicle, which is valued at $1 million, and he hires it out for weddings and for motor shows.
A colleague who would not be named said the man who stole the tank had a "vendetta" against phone towers.
"He told us he'd worked for a government agency where he had to work around the towers and got radiation poisoning."
"So he planned out a map of where the towers were that he wanted to destroy."
Mr Morris said he was "devastated" at the news.
'I can't believe it."
Mr Morris described the man responsible for the carnage as a "quiet, well spoken" man.
He left in December but Mr Morris saw him often.
"We were mates, he'd call in for a chat and a few beers."
"The problem he's got is not with us. It's just that it's the tool he needed to do it."
The chase attracted a lot of attention with drivers following the tank.
"It's not something you see in Mount Druitt every day," William Errington, 26, said.
Another local resident expressed similar disbelief after being woken up by her partner to chase the tank.
"Mick said we were going to follow a tank and I thought yeah a fuel tanker. Then the thing drove past us," said Oakhurst resident "Ally".
Mount Druitt Chief Inspector Guy Habberly said the man had not been drinking and did not appear to be affected by drugs.
Yesterday John Robert Patterson, 45, of Dharruk, appeared in Parramatta Court charged with stealing the tank, dangerous driving and malicious damage.
He did not enter a plea or apply for bail and he was remanded to appear in Penrith Court tomorrow.
His defence lawyer Ivan Bertoia told the court that in a police interview his client "suggested he had the authority to behave in such a manner".
Magistrate Terry Forbes said there was a strong case to be made for the case to be dealt with under the Mental Health Act.
Another funny story far away from home. Yep, I'm still loving it ;-)
15 July 2007
Junco Jukebox
At the Beach everything's a little different. People are more relaxed, life is not that hectic, the way of living is simply cooler than in the city - and so is the train station too. When you wanna go to Bondi Beach or any other place at Bondi you usually take a train from the city to Bondi Junction and then change there to an appropriate bus service. But the "Junco" is not an average train station. Well...it doesn't look pretty cool or is pretty good in shape. But it's the only train station I've been so far where they play music over the speakers. And, surprisingly, pretty cool music - in my oppinion. So far it's the only public place where I listened to Amiel and Aretha Franklin within 5 minutes :) And yesterday my favorite jukebox did me a big favor. When I was going downstairs to the ticket office it played one of my first favorite songs ever. So I stopped immediatly ('cause you can't hear it downstairs) and listened and sang along (of course only in my mind =)) with this song and was all of a sudden back in the summer of '93. Nananananananoooooow baby give it up, give it up. baby give it uuuup. Nanananananoooow baby give it up, give it up. baby give it up...Well not a huge master piece of modern music - but a great summer song and definitely able to put a smile on ones face :) So Cut'N Move and Junco Jukebox made my day ;-)
12 July 2007
Rien ne va plus...
Vive la France...it just goes on. New flatmates, and once more a french couple...well I shouldn't start complaining after seeing them only once and chatting only a few minutes today but why couldn't there just be some people from other countries than the US and France? There are enough countries on this beautiful planet and everytime I have to stick around with french and yankees.
But, no worries...lets see how it'll work out. I let you know, for sure ;-)
Water falls
Unlike somewhere else in the country (salut! to Georg up there) here in Sydney the NSW government is thinking about decreasing the current water restriction level from level 3 to level 2. This would mean that we here in NSW would be allowed to wash our cars and windows with buckets of water...what a luxury...
So..basically, thx to the shitty weather during the last weeks - but I'm pretty glad that it is sunny outside at the moment again. But since winter will last for a few more weeks I'm pretty sure that there comes the rain again...
Just a little joke - sorry I had to do this ;-)
Maaaaaaaan...since last week I'm doing more and more overtime at work...during the last days there was not a single one on which I got out of office before quarter to seven...I'm only an intern! (and get only paid like one :( ). Something should change here...;-)
bedtime. finally! more tomorrow - or the day after when I finally find some time to tell more exciting news...;-)
so long, take care :)
5 July 2007
In the NAVY...
...lalalalalalala...in the NAVY....
Yeah, I really think the Village People would have a lot of fun for the next five days here in Sydney. Today the USS Kittyhawk docked at Sydney and unleashed about 7,000 sailors into the city. The ring-a-sailor-hotline of the US Navy is already ringing all the time and the ladies of the night are looking forward to a very long and busy weekend in order to thank the boys for serving their country and bringing peace all over the world...
In the Navy...=)
4 days in a row more than 20 degrees. That's the way winter should be :-)
Hopefully it stays this way for a longer time!
4 July 2007
As the dear reader of my blog may remembers, I had some problems with my flight agency. Gulf Air decided not to fly anymore from Sydney. So I had to get some tickets for a new flight back home. When doing this I also fixed my departure date. The cool thing about this...I finally got a Quantas flight...wooooohooooo...at least I leave Australia with an Aussie Airline (hopefully they serve kangaroo for lunch ;-) ).
So for all of my family, friends and fans who want to cheer at me and celebrate my arrival:
Touchdown: 27/09/2007 - FFM - T2 - 0550 - Quantas Flight 5
State of Origin Match III!
(and it's still an idiot game).
Woooooohooooooo. We won ;-)
1 July 2007
Once more ;-(
3rd set, 24:22 - once more I did the 'ankle twist'.
sport sucks ;-) Well, not really...but uhm...Will once more take some time until I can start walking proberly again.
If you have any commiseration for me, you know where you can send it to...;-)
Owned the All Blacks!
Yessssss! Today WE owned the All Blacks! During the Rugby Union Tri Nations Cup we beat THE team.
The All Blacks had a fantastic start and soon led 10:3...but then we came back. And bea the Kiwis! The Haka didn't work and the Wallabies now tied the score with the All Blacks. Since it's pretty late right now, just check out the Article
Woooohooooooooo :)
Uhm yeah...'The best Pies in town'
Anyway: I'll never become a fan of these things - something the english should have kept on their island ;-)