25 Aug 2007

The Southern Cross

Alright Ladies and Gentlemen,

time for some education :) By now you should all know how the Australian flag looks like. Top left there is a small Union Jack and on the right hand there are some stars. Stars? But why? Most people would guess (thx to the US of A) that it might have something to do with the states over here. But, obviously, that's completely wrong! F!

The stars on the flag really stand for stars...actually they symbolize one of the most impressive star signs one can see - the so called SOUTHERN CROSS. It is really pretty obvious and no, you guys at home now don't have to go outside and have a look. It's called Southern Cross for a good reason...;-)

But, thx to google: sky (what a shitty name - but great invention :-) here you can see what it looks like. If you want to see it's neighbours, google for it. Sky's the limit!

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