5 Mar 2007

Home and so

After Sophie and Andrew picked me up, just went home, had a shower and then got to bed...sleeping. yes :)

3.3: get up at about 10...breakfast with bretzels...had a nap and then...mardi gras...uh! strange, weird and much more. the biggest one ever...bettern than "Fasching" in germany ;-) On the way to the city, had a little sightseeing while watching out of the train's window (harbour bridge, opera house). And then...when mardi gras was over and we returned home at chatswood we went to the pub...and Andrew couldn't believe that I'm a german that doesn't like beer...that's what he had to tell the bartender...haha...and then..he brought a "shandy" ("that's what my mum's drinking...") or sth. like that. half beer, half lemonade...and I had to drink it. And afterwards, the next one..(after he told the next bartender that I am a german that doesn't drink beer...). So second day in Australia and I'm an alcoholic...where should this end? ;) Then returned home at about 1 'o clock, talked a bit about music and went to bed at about 2...and slept untill quarter to 12...

4.3: Breakfast, Emails (still need something to go online with my laptop...)...writing this here and then do some shopping at the mall...and preparing for the first day at office...
Just wrote Steffi & Thomas...maybe we can meet this week. would be cool :)

Enough for today...tomorrow more about my exciting work ;-)

cheers :)

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