12 May 2007

World Press Picture of the Year

Yeah, believe me or not, today it has been arts time. The cultural highlight of my stay here in Sydney so far ;-)

After starting the day with some grocery shopping at Aldi and a late breakkie at the Royal Botanic Gardens (whilst having georgous weather, lying on incredible fine grass, finishing dorian gray and just enjoying to be here) I went to the NSW State Library in order to see the World Press Photos of the year. After entering the Library through a very fascinating door (insider =) ) there have been some very interesting photos. Everyone of the pictures was a highly ranked photo in its own category...but, seeing all those photos, one gets the impression that the more cruelty a picture shows, the more famous it gets. There have been a lot of war pictures (guess about 50% of the pics) and sometimes I started to wonder how the photographers got so deep into the war scene or into the jails were the people have been punished and so on...

One of my favorite pics was, of course, one of the world cup...but not one of those with ZiZu on it but one where a german girl (at least a girl in a german dress) is jumping full of excitement and shouting and screaming....a really nice pic what caught the atmosphere pretty good I think and made me look at it quite a long time and thinking and remembering about this great time we had back in the Summer '06.
'54 '74 '90 2010 :)

Another cool photo you can see above...there've been some nice pics from some french street dancers (yeah, even if they're french I like those pics ^^)...

After all, the exhibition wasn't that huge, but therefore it was free and pretty nice to see all those award winning pics (of whom some really caused different emotions...)

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