10 June 2007

Deep Sea 3D

Since the weather today wasn't thaaaaaaat good we decided, after an enormous shopping trip ;-), to go the movies today. To be precise, to go the the LG IMAX Theatre which has the world's biggest screen. There we saw the movie mentioned above. But the beginning wasn't that impressive....after receiving our cool looking 3d glasses, we happened to see the first trailer and then, all of a sudden, everything stopped, the lights turned on again and the staff told us that they're experiencing some problems and that it would take about 30 minutes to fix it...so we waited there for half an hour, entertained by cool hiphop, r'n'b and soul music ;-)

But after 30 minutes it really continued and we could experience the 3d adventure on the world's biggest screen (let's mention it a few more times ;-)).

It was really interesting, and really 3D ;-) Nice 50 minutes dive through the deep sea...but, to be honest, I'd really appreciated to see some more sharks and whales - but that's my personal oppinion :)

And, right now, I am really tired after seeing the 'Legend of Zorro' on Foxtel and listening for about 90 minutes to the bad accent of Antonio Banderas ;-) Soo, good night and don't forget: use sunscrean! :)

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