28 June 2007


Another cultural highlight just took place this week! I went to the opera. Two times in a row! Yeah. Time to be impressed! ;)

On Tuesday night Christina and I went, pretty nice dressed of course, to the Drama Theatre at the Opera to see Othello. One of Shakespeare's best known tragedies was a pretty impressive performance and really great to see those excellent actors on stage.

But, I have to admit that it was not that impressive going into the Theatre as one might think. The Drama Theatre, where those kind of plays are being performed, is located at the ground level of the opera and does not fit that many people. Even the stage was not really big and so the room basically looked like a theatre room in any other theatre of the world, I'd say. But, the feeling was way cooler, the understanding of the words much harder (than in Germany) ;-) and the actors were really good! So after all a perfect night out.

On my second night to the opera everything was way different. I did not wear a suit, we did not see a tragedy but the most funny performance I have ever seen live on stage. We saw Wil Anderson performing his new live program 'Wil of God' at the Playhouse at the Opera. And man, that guy rocks!

It was really more than one hour of continually laughing and fun. Seeing this guy having fun on the stage and interacting a little with the folks in the audience. My cheeks really hurt when leaving the opera at about half past 9 and the smile in our faces lastet the whole night. So thanks for this incredible funny night to Wil and Triple M who gave me the two tickets for being German (well, almost - but that's another story ;-) ).

Cheers and regards to Ando - the Comedy Commando (you won't understand it, but it's funny, believe me =).

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